Monday, October 20, 2008

sports commercials





racing car


Corey Frost said...

Great, Haisheng. What's the connection between sports and humor in these ads? What else can you say about them?

Amar Kaur said...

I am not sure if sports has to do anything with any of the ads except the football ad. I think the message in that ad is that you must play to win, what ever it is; football or lottery. Even if your capability or chances of winning are low, things could happen and you could win. But your must play.

Ting said...

are you talking about the funny advertisement in Sports? some of the advertisement are really not funny at all, what message are you trying to tell?

escorhythm said...

Aw the ad with the little kid is so cute! If only it were! Kids are great for advertisment because they are cute, clever, and witty!

JinChuang(ITF) said...

In my opinion, sports is the sprots. And the process of doing sprots usually is sweating and breathing. If some entertaiments go inside the process would be better and eassier.

myoussef100 said...

WOWWWWWWWW , I like the video of all players who were in one bathroom naked taking a shower and when the soap wad dropped , the older man picked it with his soccer shoe.

Rongke said...

Be honest, some ad that you post, I can't understand.
I like the second one, very cute baby and boy. how a happiness family.
The last one is ineresting, every traffic tool can become racing car.

haisheng lu said...

Explanation about the 6 ads:

1) A crazy soccer fans, he always dreams about to be a goal keeper

2) The boy needs a brother to play soccer with him, so ….he tries his best to make chance for his parents. The idea is that soccer is about brother ship. But there is no connection between the chocolate bar and this idea.

3) If you ever had shower with your buddies in a pubic shower room and picked up soap, you should know what happened. You would become a big joke after that. The idea is that rugby is about buddies. So is the beer.

4) M.J. is a flying man, and his has good shoes.

5) Accident is anyplace anytime. So go lottery